We Have Never Had A Greater Need For This Technology!


Wasted Resources

Humanity has demonstrated a penchant for wasting resources.
One such resource is wasted or rejected thermal energy, heat.

Currently HVAC systems, cooling towers, data centers, buildings of every type, from power plants to manufacturing facilities, all waste 50% or more of their purchased electricity or natural gas – as heat
(hence insulation, radiant barriers, etc).


We have 3-5 years’ head start on the rest of the world.

TESS - Thermal Energy Storage System


In commercial building installations, a reduction in HVAC loads as much as 45% proven, and reduction in electricity or natural gas expenses by 25-35%, resulting in a reduction in carbon footprint. Data Centers can step down the exit temperatures of cooling water before it enters the biosphere.

 Utility scale solar mWh output can be increased by as much as 40%. Coal and natural gas power plants that remain
online can reduce their fuel consumption by 10% and increase power output by converting BTUs to mWh,
minimizing, or possibly eliminating the need for cooling towers (case by case).

 This technology is moving to mass production in the United States. Shipment of product from the Plattsburgh, New York plant is expected to begin March or late February.

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